Press Release
Press Release
新華社香港7月(yuè)8日電 中(zhōng)共中(煙離zhōng)央總書記、國家主席、中(zhōng)央軍委主席習近平《在慶祝香日要港回歸祖國二十五周年大會暨香港特别行政區第六師門屆政府就職典禮上的講話》單行本繁體版、英文(wén)版,8日在香港由紫荊文(w知這én)化集團旗下(xià)聯合出版集團出做看版發行。
新華社香港7月(yuè)8日電 中(zhōng)共中(zhōng)都匠央總書記、國家主席、中(zhōng)央軍委主席習近平《化員在慶祝香港回歸祖國二十五周年大會暨香港特別行紅司政區第六屆政府就職典禮上的講話》單行本繁體版、歌章英文(wén)版,8日在香港由紫荊文(wén)化集團旗下(xià)聯合出作爸版集團出版發行。
Hong Kong, 8 Jul (Xinhua) -- The &quo睡街t;Speech at the Rally Ma冷行rking the 25th Anniversar空區y of Hong Kong's Return to the Moth到歌erland and the Inaugur慢器ation Ceremony of the Sixth G姐湖overnment of the Hong Kong 校林Special Administrative Region"友費 by the General Secretary of the CPC 火厭Central Committee, President of the 玩歌People's Republic of China, and C城話hairman of the Centr文靜al Military Commission was publ相讀ished in Hong Kong on 8都作 July by the United Publishing 愛業Group, a subsidiary of the 謝我Bauhinia Culture Group.
On the occasion of t吃討he 25th anniversary of Hon體訊g Kong's return t線讀o the motherland, President得子 Xi Jinping personally visite術就d Hong Kong to attend廠月 the celebration of t通哥he 25th anniversary of Hong Kong'朋的s return to the motherla是媽nd and the inauguration 用見ceremony of the sixth governm明答ent of the Hong Kong 物動Special Administrative Region a劇日nd delivered an important speech. Pre新錢sident Xi Jinping's important s放廠peech profoundly expou少見nded the theory and practical law of &錯些quot;one country, two sys又不tems", which aroused enthusiastic信南 responses from all walks of雨唱 life in Hong Kong. The publicat都雨ion and distribution of刀身 the traditional Chine上友se and English versions of Presiden民睡t Xi Jinping's important spee下又ch will help readers in Hon又劇g Kong, Macao and overseas to learn th照兵e spirit of the speech and have a mor鐵小e comprehensive and in-depth 小日understanding of the great practice an要這d bright prospects of "厭慢;one country, two systems&quo我數t;.
The traditional Chinese and Eng村離lish versions of Pre愛亮sident Xi Jinping's日電 important speeches will be full地店y launched and highlighted in m在東ajor bookstores in Hong Kong a制白nd Macao from now on. United Publi亮刀shing Group will organize public 會北welfare reading activit務知ies such as "Walking Li市哥brary" for large co北關mmunities, colleges 門化and universities, primary 子筆and secondary schools.
People's Daily (Ve高科rsion 01, 09 July 2022)
(Editor in charge: Peng Jing, 月冷Bo Chendi)