The moon waxes and wanes, and peo算討ple have joys and sorrows. Se信秒paration is not only a social p為得henomenon, but also a state of life. It線地 is a compulsory subjec影章t in life.
The author used 37 essays to record服科 and narrate the separation 讀這and reunion he had experienced. In th數中e tide of the times, in o厭舊rder to seek better development 醫員and life, the parents of the famil說報y set out to Hong Kong to去姐 fight for separatio鄉少n and reunion with their families; T輛物here are also reunions山校 and separations bro綠玩ught about by the choic白小es we make when we ent要山er a new stage of life; There i去兵s also the separation of life窗時, old age, sickness and death, and the看海 impermanence of life......
The book is a microcosm of the亮笑 times, from which we can learn about姐朋 the changes of the times and the t樂物ransformation of individuals and聽兒 families, feel the spirit of the L城短ion Mountain of their fa快生thers' hard work, and fee要道l the strength of the family行冷9;s blood connections and endless愛機 growth; It also allows readers聽子 to learn how to correctly treat sepa城呢ration in the life stori地就es full of human anger, treat separa機科tion, and learn the strength and w西可armth of upward growth from separatio慢用n.