About Us
About Us
公司以聚焦社會主義文(wén)化強國建設,投身粵窗光港澳大灣區文(wén)化建設,推動(dòng)港澳與内地文(wén)化交流笑服,向世界講好中(zhōng)國故事、傳播好中(zhōng)國聲音為己任,将公市重點打造兩大業(yè)務闆塊:一是出版發行,重點編輯出版發行大數妹文(wén)化、大教育類出版物,積極拓展數字出版和(hé)網絡内容産業(大子yè)。二是文(wén)化教育交流,以推動(dòng)内綠是地與港澳交流合作,共建人文(wén)灣區為重點,采取“出版 + 教育實我湖踐”方式,開展青少(shǎo)年研學、學科競賽活動(dò雨是ng),組織學生和(hé)教師(shī)學習交流活動(dòng)。未來,公司将藍黑努力構建覆蓋内地、港澳台、東南亞、輻射全吧又球的出版、發行網絡和(hé)文(wén)化教都是育交流平台。
大同出版傳媒有限公司成立於2021年,由紫荊文(wén)化集團有限公司、中(南內zhōng)國教育出版傳媒集團有限公司、學習出版社有限公司、五洲店上出版傳媒有限公司共同出資組建的中(zhōng)央出版機構,股東組長微織分別是文(wén)化、教育出版、理論讀物出少計版、國際文(wén)化傳播等領域的權威機構。 “大同”取“看區天下(xià)大同”之意,與中(zhōng)華民族幾千年形成的科東兼愛非攻、親仁善鄰、以和(hé)為貴、和(hé)而不同的理念一脈相生又承,代表人類對未來社會的美好憧憬,寓意建設一個美好世界,構建人類命運共兒去同體,是人類社會共同的價值追求。
公司以聚焦社會主義文(wén)化強國建設,投身粵港澳大灣區文(長飛wén)化建設,推動港澳與內地文(wén)化交流,向世界講好中(zhō文票ng)國故事、傳播好中(zhōng)國聲音為己任,將重點打新海造兩大業務闆塊:一是出版發行,重點編輯出版發行大文(wén)化、大教育類出版品慢城,積極拓展數位出版和(hé)網絡內容產業。 二是文(wén)化教育交流,以南如推動內地與港澳交流合作,共建人文(wén)灣區為重點,採取“出版姐行+教育實踐”管道,開展青少(shǎo)年研學、學科競賽活動,組織學生和(hé)不跳教師學習交流活動。 未來,公司將努力構建覆蓋用科內地、港澳臺、東南亞、輻射全球的出版、發行網絡和(hé)南聽文(wén)化教育交流平臺。
Datong Publishing & Media Co., Ltd.白煙 is jointly established by Bauhin這公ia Culture Group Co., LTD說多., Education Publishing &坐技amp; Media Group Co., LTD., Learning P木畫ress Co., LTD., and Wuzhou Publis得就hing & Media Co., LTD. The sha生跳reholders are the authoritative ins拍可titutions in the fields of culture, e女冷ducation publishing, theoreti廠小cal reading material publis購煙hing, international cultur鄉關al communication, etc. "Great H的的armony" means &qu下雜ot;great harmony under the world&qu生學ot;. It is in line with t照歌he Chinese ideals developed 農很over thousands of years: universal 光答love, non-aggression, amity and good 相慢neighbors, peace is most preci風快ous, and harmony in div費師ersity. It represents the beauti大物ful vision of mankind for the 理體future, and reflects that building a b讀作etter world and a community with a 來厭shared future for mankin暗在d is the common pursuit of h輛商uman society.
Datong Publishing an那能d Media will create three busin坐我ess segments: publishing and 做務distribution, cultural an在外d educational exchanges, and cultural 日化research. The publishi你吃ng and distribution section focuses男那 on editing and publishing th可湖eoretical, cultural,雪國 teaching and educational publica鄉女tions, and actively e我現xpanding the digital publis歌弟hing and online content司西 industries. The cultural有體 and educational exchange sector a裡船dopts the "publishing + 間喝educational practice" ap動可proach, carries out research a歌刀nd study activities for yo慢地ung people, disciplines competitio麗讀ns, and organizes learning an放哥d exchange activities for students 行對and teachers. The Cul美科tural studies section focuses on the白要 cultural development of the Great那上er Bay Area and the dis歌志semination of foreign culture, and 綠那carries out special 厭事studies. In the future, under the gu冷女idance of the central cult雨文ural department, the company will build熱海 a publishing and distribut哥鐵ion network and cultural and e窗森ducational exchange p區業latform covering the m街弟ainland, Hong Kong, Macao and分跳 Taiwan, Southeast Asia and th又好e world.